Apply two coats of Zinsser Seal Coat 3.78L to improve film build and give added depth to the final finish.
7. Handling and Storage
HANDLING: Wash thoroughly after handling. Wash hands before eating. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before reuse.
Use only with adequate ventilation. Follow all SDS and label precautions even after container is emptied because it may retain
product residues. Avoid breathing fumes, vapors, or mist. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing.
STORAGE: Store in a dry, well ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed when not in use. Keep containers tightly closed.
Isolate from heat, electrical equipment, sparks and open flame. Do not store above 120 ° F. Store large quantities in buildings
designed and protected for storage of NFPA Class II combustible liquids. Keep away from heat, sparks, flame and sources of
ignition. Avoid excess heat. Product should be stored in tightly sealed containers and protected from heat, moisture, and foreign
Advice on Safe Handling of Combustible Dust: Minimize dust generation and accumulation. Routine housekeeping should be
instituted to ensure that dusts do not accumulate on surfaces. Dry powders can build static electricity charges when subjected to the
friction of transfer and mixing operations. Provide adequate precautions such as grounding and bonding or inert atmospheres. For
safe handling, refer to NFPA 654, Standard for the Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufacturing, Processing, and
Handling of Combustible Particulate Solids.visit our sister site
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